3 Ways To Remain Planted in 2021
Wellness from the inside out, that's the mission for me. What I'am realizing is you can't be truly healthy on the outside if you're unhealthy on the inside. Therefore, I've been intentional about filling up inwardly these days and allowing that to fuel my outer journey of wholeness and wellness. I aspire to remain internally planted this year; rooted in faith, in scripture, in love, grace, confidence, and resilience. I believe this will help me to have a fruitful year and truly flourish. If you’re planning to do the same, keep reading…
Here are three ways I plan to remain planted in 2021:
Abiding in God:
John 15: 4 reminds us to abide in God and we will bear much fruit. ‘Abide’ that’s my word for the year and verse 4 is the scripture I am standing on this year. 2020 was filled with many twists and turns, ups and downs, and so much uncertainty. At the start of this year, I felt God whispering to my heart to abide in Him, in other words, remain in Him, be connected to and make my home in Him. Therefore, I understand that abiding in God through His word, prayer, and fellowship is paramount.
Consuming mentally stimulating information:
I believe enriching information is and will be vital to my growth. We’re in an Information Age, so there is so much information out there constantly being thrown at us. It’s easy to fill up with it when we’re not even interested in filling up. Whether through reading a great book, listening to a podcast, or taking a course or masterclass, I will be intentional about filling up with what will be beneficial to my internal wellbeing.
Doing the emotional work:
What I am learning is just because we age physically, it doesn’t automatically mean we are maturing emotionally. As we age, it is easy to become stagnant emotionally; considering different aspects of our emotional self, simply apart of personality or upbringing. Often times, emotional growth doesn’t just happen. It requires intentionality and engaging in the work that leads to emotional healing, regulation, resilience, and discovery. This work may mean learning more about ourselves through self discovery, finding accountability partners, speaking with a therapist, confronting what’s being neglected, or choosing daily to forgive someone who has wronged you. Whatever it is, I plan to do my work emotionally so that I can truly rooted and not led by my emotions.
These are the 3 ways I plan to remain planted in 2021. Hope this inspires you to consider the ways you will do so as well. If you can relate in any way or have additional ways that may be added to this list, please do share in the comments.